
random hugs are nice

I was at a college basketball game.  There was a guy in the first women's restroom I tried.  In an effort to avoid embarrassing him, I slipped out and walked down to the next one on the hall.
Half an hour later, I was walking down the hall again during a time out.  A young man hailed me.
"Hey, can you tell my friend here where the men's restroom is?"
Perplexed, I turned and was about to point out the restrooms ten feet from where we stood when in recognized the fellow's friend as the guy I had seen in the women's restroom earlier.
"The men's bathroom is right there."  I pointed it out.  "Don't confuse it with the women's restroom, which is over there.  There was a guy in there earlier, you wouldn't want to embarrass yourself like that."
Realizing I had seen him, the fellow's eyes widened and he began to laugh.  Wrapping me in a huge bear hug he thanked me heartily and left, almost crying from laughter.